Glasgow - Helenvale Park
Parkhead : G31 4NR
Glasgow - Helenvale Park : Map credit National Library of Scotland Glasgow - Helenvale Park : Image credit Raymond Batsford Helenvale Sports Ground was constructed by Glasgow Corporation Transport as a staff sports facility. The ground was opened in 1924 by the Duke of York and contained a football pitch, running and cycle tracks, bowling greens and a tennis court, with a grandstand and terracing. The cinder track was approximately four and a half laps to the mile.

The first bicycle race at Helenvale took place at the Glasgow Tramways Athletic Club meeting on June 28th 1927 at which the Scottish one mile championship was held.

The Edinburgh Evening News reported that a bicycle race meeting was to be held at Helenvale on September 29th 1928 which would include the Scottish championship races over two and four miles. It is likely that the event was postponed, as the four miles championship race was held on October 6th 1928 and the result was a dead heat between J Wilson of Renfrew Roads CC and the holder Val del Vecchio of Glasgow Wheelers. The event was re-run at Shawfield Park later in the month, which resulted in a victory for Wilson.

From 1929, Glasgow Tramways Athletic Club usually included a bicycle race with the athletics events and their cycling section held mixed athletics and bicycle race meetings. Bicycle race meetings became more popular at Helenvale through the 1930s. The Wyld brothers competed at the twelfth annual sports of the Glasgow Transport AC on June 28th 1932, the athletics and cycle racing was top class and attracted a crowd of 18,000 people. The Wyld brothers won the 1000 yards, half mile, and 8 laps pursuit race and Irishman RJ Donnelly won the two miles.

Glasgow Eastern CC organised bicycle races after the Second World War, with Tuesday evening meetings. The evening meetings continued into the 1950s, organised by Glasgow Wheelers and the Scottish National Cyclists Union. There was a large international cycle race meeting on May 19th 1951 sponsored by Dunlop, which attracted world class riders Reg Harris, Airie Van Vliet. Glasgow Transport continued to hold their sports events principally with athletics, but their meetings also included cycle racing until the late 1950s or early 1960s.

In the 1970s, the ground was taken over by Glasgow City Council who used half of the site to extend the bus garage. Helenvale was later developed for housing in the area that is now Helenvale Square.

Glasgow - Helenvale Park : Image credit Wiki Commons
Refs     : [105] [192] [584] [p]
Photos : Raymond Batsford, Wiki Commons
Maps    : National Library of Scotland